The Salaryman (user #2756)

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I’m just some salaryman. I could be the chunky bastard at the gym scowling at ITV while sweating to ‘Search and Destroy’ on a less than cool Discman. Or some casually dressed cat on the Tube shuffling to work or play or whatever, looking slightly claustrophobic, cursing at his perpetual lateness. In a happier dimension I would be a B-movie magnate or some bastard hybrid of my many cultural heroes rather than whatever it is I now am. I smoke, drink and eat too much but am working on it - sort of. I like to think, talk, joke, experiment and express but the amount I can share here depends on my energy and ability to work out how this thing operates. I’ve started more things than I finish. The fact that I have never been arsed to learn Flash or HTML is a bit sad given my interests. When I had my first experiences with the net, for some reason I decided to stick with the skills in Old Media. But there is still time.

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